TeraRecon Insider Series: Wake Radiology

Infervision, as a pioneer and one of the earliest companies in the market for deep learning-based AI solutions to assist in medical imaging diagnosis, has been partnering with the Eureka Clinical AI Platform from TeraRecon, a market leader in AI-driven advanced visualization with over 22 years in the medical imaging industry, since early 2018 and integrated our flagship InferRead Lung CT.AI solution for lung nodule detection in the platform. TeraRecon provides advanced solutions to medical institutions of all sizes, from the general academic medical centers to professional imaging centers like WakeRad UNC Rex. The upcoming webinar “TeraRecon Insider Series: Wake Radiology” shares the journey, the challenges, and insights of AI adoption from WakeRad UNC Rex, who is among the earliest adopters in the nation of Radiology AI, and how technology vendors like Infervision and TeraRecon are supporting these purposes along the road.  

Since our first communication with the TeraRecon team back to 2018, we affirmed our shared mission of using AI to dramatically improve patient outcomes while optimizing radiologists' workflow and reducing barriers to new technology. "Infervision has proven to be a tremendous tool in the hands of our radiology customers, surfacing new clinical findings directly into the interpretation workflow” noted TeraRecon CEO, Jeff Sorenson, “Their technology brings valuable insights to the physician and offers the possibility of better outcomes for every patient."

Through the Eureka AI platform, AI pioneer WakeRad UNC Rex, has become one of the earliest investigational users of Infervision's AI for chest CT diagnosis. "As physicians we are consulted many times throughout the day to help in critical decisions about patient's care and this can lead to inevitable distractions that may affect our ability to focus on detecting lung nodules,” says Dr. Matthew Hoimes, Radiologist at WakeRad UNC Rex, “Also, there are "blind spots" in the lungs where we are more prone to missing nodules. InferRead Lung CT.AI revolutionizes how radiologists perform this important task by increasing overall efficiency, reliability, and confidence and therefore improves patient care in the process."

To learn more about how WakeRad UNC Rex successfully adopts AI in its clinical operations, and achieving outstanding results with AI, join Radiologist, Dr. Matthew Hoimes and CIO Matt Dewey of Wake Radiology UNC Rex at the upcoming webinar "TeraRecon Insider Series: Wake Radiology" on March 11th 2021 at 11am Central Time (U.S. and Canada). 

Register Now: https://terarecon.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__Lws9PnhS5GosEdgJWSRIQ