Finding Implementation Engineer Infervision US Inc
With Al, We Improve Human Life
Job Title: Implementation Engineer Job ID#: IE0731 Employer: Infervision US Inc Worksite: 1099 Wall St W, Suite 352,Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Responsibilities: 1. Act as the initial technical contact for clients: discuss clients’ requestswith our Development Team in meetings; implement the customized solution withDocker and Linux command line. 2. Design, purchase computer parts, and build Linux servers; install the server inclients’ data centers to run our AI solutions. 3. Utilize Docker and Linus command line to deploy our AI solution in varioussoftware environments to test the compatibilities. 4. Design and use Python and Docker to build secured DICOM transition from theirPACS to our cloud AI solution on Amazon Web Services. 5. Design and use Python and Docker to build Application programming interface(API) to allow our AI solutions to work with other marketplace platforms orpartners’ products. 6. Utilize Python and Docker to build a report generation module enabling clientsto view AI results in their native PACS viewer. 7. Provide timely troubleshooting and maintenance with the Linux command line. 8. Collaborate with the Development Team for multi-language support of ourproduct.
Requirements: 1. Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, or Medical/ITrelated field; 2. 6 months of experience as biomedical engineer, research technician, or relatedposition in biological field; 3. Ability to use Python and BASH.
To apply, mail CV with Job ID# IE0731 toJane, 1099 Wall St W, Suite 352, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071